Welcome Adeel Mirza

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Adeel Mirza

     Hy everybody how are you. Me Adeel Mirza. I am from Pakistan. I am 20 Year Old Person. I am a Model & Modling is my profashion. 

           How do I get started in Modeling?

Getting Started

There is no single path to follow for getting started. Different models have found success through different routes. If you want to become a doctor, for example, there is a set course of schooling, experience, and testing to follow. But for a career in modeling, there is no clear path. Some of the ways that I know models have gotten started in the past are listed below. Although it is by no means an exhaustive list, it might help you launch your career in modeling.

I love to make friendship.

Friendships are the gift to the man kind. The relation which we get in this world are blood related. But the only relationships which doesnot related to blood is friendship. Friendship has many forms and shapes. It is like water. If we pour the water into a jug it takes the shape of jug. if you pour the same water into a bowl it takes the shape o bowl. Sameway friendships will take a different shapes and sizes according to our heart. Friendship gives pleasure to human beings. Where there is friendship then there will not be any sorrow. When you see a child laughing you will forget your sorrows for a second, sameway when you are with a friend you forget your sorrows.

Adeel Mirza

       Welcome to Modeling Advice

Modeling Advice is here to help you find out more about modeling. I hope through education you will have a positive experience in pursuing your dream and will be able to avoid the scams and rip-offs that are everywhere in the modeling industry.

There are several useful sections to the site. The navigation buttons at the top and left will take you to them.

Reagard,s Adeel Mirza

How to help a Friend,s asking for Advice

People and problems seem to go together. For example, someone you know may be having family, marital, or relationship problems. Perhaps a friend has lost a job and is struggling to make ends meet. Or an acquaintance may be trying to cope with physical or mental illness, pain, or loneliness. People with problems often ask friends for advice. Did you ever have someone ask you for advice and then ignore it? Worse yet, did a friend ask for your honest opinion and get angry when you gave it? At one time or another, most of us have had such an experience and become confused by it. What is the proper way to act when someone asks us for advice?

Before I answer that question, let me make an introductory comment by stating NEVER give advice when it isn't asked for. For as John Gray wrote, "To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know what to do, or that he can't do it on his own." So, when we give advice that wasn't asked for, we are implying our friends are too stupid to know what to do, or that we are superior and know more than they do. If that's the way someone treated you, wouldn't you get angry? Since we should treat others as we would like them to treat us, it makes sense to never give advice that isn't asked for.

But what do we do when a friend asks us for advice? I recommend the following steps:

1. Just listen. Allow your friend to get their problem off their chest.

2. After listening, do not offer advice, unless you are asked again.

3. Do not give YOUR advice, but help your friends tap into their own inner wisdom and rely on themselves. In other words, teach them how to fish, rather than feeding them a fish, for they need to develop permanent skills rather than get a temporary fix.

4. Once you have helped them, do not remain attached to the outcome. If they do not follow through and simply go back to their old ways, let it go. Trying to rescue them would just be offering unsolicited advice. But if they come back asking for advice again, repeat these four steps.

Do not worry if you don't know how to carry out step number 3 because I will give an example. However, before I do, I will outline why we should not give OUR advice, but help our friends follow their own. Next, to complete our understanding of the big picture, I will outline why people ask for advice. After that I will give an example of step three in action. Finally, I will end with concluding remarks.